The EDI membrane block used in EDI system is mainly composed of cation membrane and anion membrane placed alternately. When the water flows through the gap of membrane, impurities in water are removed by electrode-ionization, so as to realize the preparation of pure water. EDI system is one of the highly effective pure water preparation methods, which is widely used in various industries. In order to ensure the stable operation of EDI system, the correct operation of equipment is very important. The following is a detailed description of EDI system operation process:

Before EDI system start-up: before starting EDI system, it is necessary to check whether all valves are in the correct position, and whether the inlet valve, water production valve, inlet valve of ultra pure water tank and concentrated water flow control valve are fully opened. During flushing, check all piping connections and valves to ensure no leakage. Lock the connection if necessary.
EDI start-up procedure: before connecting the pipeline to EDI, please confirm that all pre-treatment equipment and pipelines have met the cleaning requirements. Ensure that all piping connected to the EDI module is properly connected and that the piping meets the cleaning requirements.
Start up: pay attention to the change of system pressure and flow rate every time before starting EDI system, to avoid mechanical impact on EDI module. Therefore, we must try our best to avoid the times of equipment shutdown and restart when using EDI system.
EDI system shutdown: set the electric current and voltage of EDI system to 0, and turn off the power supply of EDI module.
The correct use of EDI system can ensure its safe and stable operation, reduce the damage of equipment core components caused by operational errors, extend the service life of EDI system.